Fraser Simpson is the Associate General Counsel, Ethics, Governance, and Compliance at Wellcome Trust, a global charitable foundation aiming to improve health by funding research, leading policy and advocacy campaigns, and building partnerships.
Fraser’s work on ethics initiatives is a driving force for change. He’s brought a new approach to Speak Up at Wellcome, moving the organization away from a hotline and adopting digital channels that provide proactive insights for the business.
His innovative ethics-focused initiatives include ‘The Only Way is Ethics’ – open discussions between staff and board members and external speakers who talk about different integrity topics, including fraud, modern slavery, and ethical standards. Fraser and his team then link each session’s topic to Wellcome’s mission and values, demonstrating why integrity is so important to the organization and how everyone can be accountable and have a direct impact. This kind of dialogue around integrity and accountability in the workplace is raising the bar for foundations and nonprofits.
Fraser said: “We’re continuing to try ‘humanise’ what we’re doing – to truly embed our process of engaging mindsets (in particular through storytelling and role-modeling), sparking conversations, and providing simple and human tools for changing behaviours and habits in the moments that matter.”
Fraser is inspired by the wonderful Wellcome team, who consistently inspire great ideas and motivation.