Author: Neta Meidav, CEO
It was so good to meet customers, customers-to-be, colleagues and the wonderful ethics and compliance community at the annual SCCE conference in Phoenix this week. Also, a great opportunity for me to get together with some of our US-based Vaulties – which is nothing but a treat! Here are some of my key takeaways from this year’s conference.
Compliance 2.0 is here
Today, the world of ethics and compliance is all about integrity and ESG. Even in a down market and maybe especially in a down market, the stakes were never higher and compliance leaders now play a crucial role in safeguarding their company, culture, reputation, and resilience.
The new generation
A new generation of ethics leaders has entered the market and they’re asking: “where’s my tech?”. This is an underserved, overlooked corner of the corporate from a technological standpoint. We have a community of professionals carrying out mission-critical work on clunky, manual, antiquated, siloed systems and running on very poor data & analytics capabilities. They deserve better, and now they know it.
Vault Platform stood out at the conference with digital solutions, anticipating the community needs of tomorrow while building the product of the future.
The tailwinds are blowing strong
The DOJ crackdown on corporate misconduct and its recent announcement of policies including individual & executive accountability shift the focus on integrity and compliance in a dramatic way. As one official said during the conference, “this is the moment for the Chief Compliance Officer to shine. The government is powering you to do so”.
A personal win for me: I sat in the audience for one of the sessions, and there was a great panel on stage discussing future trends and leadership in compliance and I realized that everyone on stage is a Vault customer! ❤️